Discover what notable figures in the golf world have expressed about Christopher Obetz

With the publication of Ravielli’s work, current and future generations of golfers can enjoy and learn from these priceless drawings.
CR is an acclaimed Pop Artist
who’s taking the golf world by storm.

Christopher immediately knew he had a responsibility for the preservation of golf art history. He realized that Ravielli’s drawings had never been seen in their greatest glory as a full collection, nor
had they been reproduced to the height of their potential. Now, we have such a body of work.

CR has a very unique gift to take
something that is still and give it the
sense of motion.

I was fascinated with how Obetz was able to take these illustrations and transform them into bigger-than-life paintings and digital art.
CR is the Jack Nicklaus of Modern Golf Art
”In the Press
Learn more about CR's media-recognized achievements and collaborations
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